abstract and physical system

Abstract and physical systems 

Abstract and physical systems : An abstract or conceptual system is An orderly arrangement of interdependent ideas or constructs, which may or may not have any counter part in the real world. 
                               On the other hand, physical system are generally concert operational system made up for people, materials, machine, energy and other physical things. Physical systems are more than conceptual constructs.

abstract and physical system

Deterministic and probabilistic system : A deterministic system is one in which the occurrence of all events is known with certainty.
              A probablystic system is one in which the occurrence of events cannot be perfectly predicted. Though the behaviour of such a system can be described in term of probability, a certain degree of error is always attached to the prediction of the behaviour of the system.

Open and closed system: An open system is one that interact with the its environment and those exchange in formation, or energy with the environment, including random and undefined inputs. Open system are adaptive in nature, as the 10 to react with the environment in such a way, so as to favour their continued existence. Such systems are self organizing , in the sense that they change their organisation in response to changing conditions.
                                             A closed system is, which does not interact with its environment. Such system in business world are rare, but relatively closed system are common. Thus, the system that are relatively isolated from the environment but not completely closed, or terminated close system.

User machine system : Most of the physical systems are user machine (or human-machine) system it is difficult to think of a system composed only of people who do not utilise equipment of some kind to achieve their goals. In user machine systems, both i.e.b human as well as machine perform sum activities in the accomplishment of a goal that is decision making. The machine elements may be computer hardware and software are relatively closed and deterministic, where as the human elements of the system are open and probabilistic.

Properties / traits of the system types 

1. Conceptual systems :
  • Are theoretical and explanatory in the nature.
  • Provide the much needed clarification.
  • Provide theoretical framework for which there may or may not be any real life counterpart.
  • E.g. or sach system can be philosophy, theology etc.

2. Imperical systems
  • Are very practical, specific and also very operational in the nature.
  • Can be based on the conceptual system.
  • Examination system surgery act as  very good examples of the empirical system.

3. Open systems
  • Involve continuous interaction with the environment.
  • So exchange the information material in energy with environment.
  • Is open an also self organising in the nature.
  • Is also adoptive or adaptive to the changing environment as it is flexible.

4. Close systems
  • Shuns any kind of the exchange with the environment.
  • Is rigid in nature.
  • Is not at all aminable to the change.
  • Is also self contained.
  • Is samvad isolated in the nature.
  • Is having a whale define boundary.
  • Is not at all adaptive in nature.

5. Natural systems
  • Such systems exist and also aband in the nature.
  • Are also not at all the result of the human endeavours.
  • Rivers, mountains, minerals, etc. are the major examples of the natural systems.

6. Artificial systems
  • Are manufactured (man made).
  • Example of such systems are dams, canals, roads, machines, factories etc.

7. Probablystic system
  • Based on the predictability of the behaviour of the outcome.

8. Determinastic systems
  • In such systems, the interaction of the elements is known.
  • As the behaviour of the elements is pre-determined, it becomes possible to work upon the reaction well in the advance.

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